By BACT Media
Basketball ACT hosted two 3v3 tournaments aimed at high school and college players, and both proved to be a big hit with players, coaches and spectators.
The annual High School 3v3 Tournament, invites schools from across the region, to compete in the abridged version of the game. In 2023, a 10 schools nominated teams, including several from nearby NSW towns including Bungendore, Jerrabomberra and Queanbeyan.
The action on-court was fast, the scoring high and the spirits buoyant as the day rolled along, with the following winning in their respective divisions:
A few days later, it was the annual College 3v3 Tournament, which attracted 7 Colleges nominate 30 teams for the event. With some top quality players scattered through each team, the games were hard fought affairs on-court. Winners were:
With so many players hitting enjoying the 3v3 experience, we can’t wait to see all the players turn out for the up coming 3×3 Winter Holiday Hustle on 14 July 2023 at Belconnen 3×3 Courts. You can find out more details about costs, times and registration by clicking below:
BACT – 3×3 Winter Holiday Hustle – July 2023